Marketing Magic
“Sometimes, it takes a Magician!™”

The Fantastic Kent Cummins is a professional speaker, prolific author, and lifelong entertainer. For more than half a century, Kent has focused on Magic with a Message and Marketing Magic.
“You were just about the best thing on the conference program. Everyone mentioned your part in the evaluation.”
— 1956 letter from Louisiana Department of Education. Kent was 13 years old.Kent’s client list includes hundreds of Fortune 500 companies, professional associations, nonprofit organizations, government and military organizations, and entrepreneurial enterprises. He has conducted wildly successful team building and marketing retreats and special events for the National Speakers Association, Associa Property Management, the Austin Board of Realtors, IBM United Way Campaign, Dell Computers, Goodwill Industries, the International Brotherhood of Magicians and countless other organizations.

Top left: Kent gives a high school speech, Top Center: Training at Texas Instruments, Top Right: IBM Team Building Retreat, Austin
Middle: Holt Rinehart Wilson Marketing Retreat, Sun Valley, Idaho
Bottom Left: Military Club Manager Conference in Germany, Bottom Right: IBM Teambuilding Retreat, Kansas City
Kent has taught marketing to more than a million people all over the world. And every presentation is made more memorable with just a touch of magic!

Top Left: High School Teachers In-service Workshop in the Rio Grande Valley, Top Right: Army Super Bingo, Ft Myer, VA
Bottom Left: International Military Community Executives Annual Conference in Chicago, Bottom Right: High School Teachers In-service Workshop
Kent’s books include Marketing Magic (Magic Words Press), Speak More (National Speakers Association), Discover the Magic (NSA Austin), and The Magic of Change (with Tom Britton). He also wrote, for the U.S. Army, 101 Merchandising Ideas for YOUR Club (1976), The Magic of Merchandising (1977), DA Pamphlet 230-5-1: Marketing (1981), Marketing Magic!…into the Nineties! (1991) and the award-winning 50th Anniversary of World War II MWR Idea Book (1992).
Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Kent Cummins is a Certified Military Community Executive (CMCE), and rewrote the entire Certification program for the International Military Community Executives Association. He is also a Certified Juggling Instructor!
Kent served as Marketing Director for Westgate Mall and the SamWitch shops in Austin, Texas, from 1976 through 1996. He started the Fantastic Magic Camp in 1993 (
For more than eight years, Kent has written the monthly “Marketing Magic” column for The Linking Ring, the official organ of the International Brotherhood of Magicians. He has also written hundreds of articles for dozens of publications, from Clowning Around to The Readers Digest. He has started the second year of his weekly podcast, “Tales from the Fantastic Magic Center. (”
“Kent is a personable, likable, witty speaker with a total knowledge of both his subject and of his presentation.”
— Hutt Valley Magician’s Society, New Zealand
“Kent was excellent to work with. He reached and prepared a program that was tailor-made for our mission, message and audience. He is very self-motivated, fun to work with, organized and professional.”
— Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
“I use the basic ideas that Kent features in every one of my marketing strategies. These ideas, properly used, can make the difference between getting by and getting ahead. In a nutshell, Kent’s marketing ideas work and they will make you money.”
— C.J. Johnson, Master Hypnotist and Illusionist
“This is easy to understand, valuable information. If you want help growing your business…pay attention!”
— Tom Myers
“As a marketing and promotional consultant, his enthusiasm and expertise are widely sought by the corporate sector as well as by entrepreneurial entertainers.”
— David Goodsell, Editor, M-U-M Magazine
“…one of the best seminars I have ever been to!”
— typical comment on evaluation form
“Inviting Kent back for a 2nd workshop was no accident. He delivers all that is promised and more than expected. A super hit with our students and staff!”
— The Professional Performers Workshop, Los Angeles, CA
“Kent was terrific, even to a stand-up audience.”
— Entrepreneurs Association
“Good Results Aren’t Magic! You proved that to us time and time again during our team meeting. By incorporating magic throughout the program, critical information was easily absorbed by our staff and they didn’t even realize they were learning.”
— Hyatt Hotels and Resorts
“You were great! The program was all that I hoped it would be. Lively throughout. Fun. Inspiring. I love your sense of humor. You delivered value. You were worth every penny.”
— State Farm Insurance
“Thank you for being a key ingredient in one of the most successful programs ever presented at our NSA Houston Chapter Mentor Meeting. You delivered a message perfectly matched to the audience and neither the message nor the presentation will be forgotten.”
— NSA Houston